Bitvise SSH Client

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Bitvise bietet dem Anwender einen SFTP Client, mit dem Daten zwischen dem lokalen Rechner und einem Remotecomputer ausgetauscht werden können. Im Gegensatz zum FTP-Protokoll nutzt Bitvise hier das wesentlich sicherere SFTP-Protokoll.

Das Programm kann mit einer beachtlichen Geschwindigkeit und einigen komfortablen Funktionen aufwarten: Textdateien werden automatisch erkannt, unterbrochene Dateitransfers werden automatisch wieder aufgenommen und Verzeichnisse können rekursiv inklusive aller Unterordner übertragen werden.

Für das Management der Dateitransfers gibt es eine komfortable Oberfläche. Daneben bietet Bitvise eine SSH-Kommandozeilenoberfläche für das Ausführen von Kommandos auf einem Remotecomputer und ist individuell anpassbar, so lassen sich beispielsweise Verbindungen zu bestimmten Servern automatisch mit dem Start des Programms herstellen.

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Graphical SFTP File Transfers

Bitvise SSH Client incorporates one of the most advanced SFTP file transfer clients, supporting:

Bitvise SSH Client also incorporates an advanced, scriptable command-line SFTP client.

Terminal Access - Remote Console

Bitvise SSH Client provides integrated access to the SSH server's console, either via VT-100 and xterm protocols supported by most SSH servers on any platform, or via the enhanced bvterm protocol supported by Bitvise SSH Server:

Bitvise SSH Client also incorporates a command line terminal emulation client, stermc, as well as a command-line remote execution client (sexec).

Single sign-on

When using Bitvise SSH Client to connect to a GSSAPI-enabled SSH server in the same or a trusted Windows domain, you can let Kerberos 5 (or on older platforms, NTLM) perform the server as well as user authentication for you. No manual host key verification; no management of user passwords and public keys. Just tell the SSH client which server in the domain to connect to, and if that server is Bitvise SSH Server (WinSSHD) or another server with compatible support for GSSAPI, the two programs will authenticate and establish a secure connection automatically.

Port Forwarding

Bitvise SSH Client is a powerful SSH2 port forwarding client with many features, including:

Bitvise SSH Client also incorporates an advanced, scriptable command-line tunneling client.

Highly customizable

Run 'BvSsh -?' for a list of command-line parameters providing flexibility to:

and more.

Additionally, when the graphical Bitvise SSH Client is running, you can use the command line utility BvSshCtrl to programmatically cause the client to log in, log out, or exit. Run 'BvSshCtrl' for help.

Portable use of Bitvise SSH Client

Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) supports command-line parameters that control how it uses the Windows registry (the -noRegistry and -baseRegistry parameters). This can be used when control over registry usage is required.

The latest versions of our SSH Client additionally support storing host key information and client authentication keypairs in an SSH Client profile. This means that you can copy the contents of the SSH Client installation directory to a USB key, insert the USB key into another computer, and run the graphical SSH Client as follows:

BvSsh -noRegistry -profile=U:\Profile.bscp

This will tell the Client to not use the Windows registry, and to connect exclusively using the host and keypair information you have saved into Profile.bscp.

For more information about the supported command line parameters, run the graphical SSH Client as follows:

BvSsh -?

Bitvise SSH Client further includes command line clients – sftpc, sexec, stermc, and stnlc – which also support the -noRegistry and -profile parameters. These command line clients are frequently used unattended, but can also be used interactively. For more information, check Using Bitvise SSH Client Unattended.

Command-Line SFTP Client

Bitvise SSH Client incorporates sftpc, an advanced command-line SFTP client which supports:

Additional information:

Command-Line Remote Execution Client

Bitvise SSH Client incorporates sexec, a scriptable command-line remote execution client which can be used to securely execute programs on remote machines from a batch file. The batch file can perform actions based on the exit code reported from the remote program, and can capture the remote program's output for processing by simple redirection of sexec output.

Another command-line program included with Bitvise SSH Client, stermc, conveniently opens an SSH terminal emulation session with xterm, VT-100 and bvterm support in the same Command Prompt window it is started from. If you SSH from computer A to computer B running Bitvise SSH Server, and you also have Bitvise SSH Client installed on computer B, you can use stermc to conveniently establish an onward SSH terminal session to computer C.

All Bitvise command-line clients support all authentication methods supported by Bitvise SSH Client, can load settings from a profile configured in the graphical client, work with the same user keypair and host key database as the graphical client, can connect through a SOCKS or HTTP CONNECT proxy, and support a common set of command-line parameters controlling most aspects of establishing an SSH connection.

Command-Line Tunneling Client

Bitvise SSH Client incorporates stnlc, a scriptable command line port forwarding client with support for static port forwarding rules, dynamic SOCKS-based tunneling, as well as the FTP-to-SFTP bridge.

For more information about using this client, run 'stnlc -h'.

FTP-to-SFTP Bridge

Bitvise SSH Client incorporates an FTP-to-SFTP bridge which performs translation between the FTP and SFTP protocols, allowing any FTP client application to connect securely to an SFTP server through Bitvise SSH Client. Both active mode and passive mode FTP data connections are supported, as well as restarted transfers, directory listings and other features. All FTP clients should be able to list directories and transfer files across Bitvise SSH Client's FTP-to-SFTP bridge, including integrated clients in applications such as DreamWeaver, GUI clients such as BulletProof FTP, and command line clients such as the default ftp.exe client accompanying Windows. If an FTP client you use fails to work with Bitvise SSH Client's FTP-to-SFTP bridge, let us know.

See Accessing an SFTP Server with an FTP Client for more information about the FTP bridge.

Using with Bitvise SSH Server

When connected to Bitvise SSH Server, our client can do all of the above, as well as the following:

Encryption and security features


FIPS 140-2 validation

When FIPS is enabled in Windows, our software uses Windows built-in cryptography, validated by NIST to FIPS 140-2 under certificates #2937, #2606, #2357, and #1892. On Windows XP and 2003, our software uses the Crypto++ 5.3.0 FIPS DLL, originally validated by NIST under certificate #819 (historical). When FIPS mode is not enabled, additional non-FIPS algorithms are supported.